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Commercial Cleaning Service

Franchise Territories Available

Stratus Building Solutions is a unique franchising company offering multiple levels of investment opportunities to fit the needs of different entrepreneurs.


Commercial Cleaning Service

Vinegar, the Natural Cleaner

November 1st marks “National Vinegar Day” for the US to pay homage to one of the oldest, traditional and one of the most natural cleaners known. As a type of acid made from fermenting fruits, Vinegar is non-toxic and effective in cleaning many of home and office spaces.


Commercial Cleaning Service

VOCs and their Adverse Health Effects

Have you ever walked into a building and have it reek of bleach, Pinsol, or fresh paint and instantaneously you have a headache, eye irritation, nausea or become dizzy?  These symptoms are caused by exposure to VOCs (or volatile organic compounds) that are emitted by different materials and chemi


Commercial Cleaning Service

Top 5 Reasons to Invest in a Franchise

So you are considering owning your own business? There are a number of options you have: starting your own idea, buying an existing business or franchising. Franchising is on the rise with the surge of people wishing to go into business for themselves.


Commercial Cleaning Service

The Green Investment: More than Just Technology

As the debate on global warming and the growing human population’s effects on the environment continue to rage on in Washington, businesses and consumers worldwide are independently embracing more environmentally and green practices as these issues are hitting closer to home.
